Archiving the Name of God


Pinchevski, N. A. A., & Pinchevski, A. . (2020). Archiving the Name of God. In M. Höfner & Friedrich, B. (Eds.), Gottes Gegenwarten – God’s Presences (pp. 421-431). EVANGELISCHE VERLAGSANSTALT Leipzig.


This chapter considers two cases of contemporary genizah in terms of analog and digital media as they comply and conflict with traditional decrees. The first is a debate surrounding the discarding of audiocassettes containing sermons that if were to be written textually rather than sound recorded would have to be treated as genizah worthy. The second is the feasibility of an obligatory digital genizah, containing both digital artifacts and documents. Ultimately, both cases were not deemed as genizah worthy due to their non-textual and non-inscriptional logic.

Last updated on 09/21/2020